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We, Fertility Centre Siliguri specialize in fertility solutions, we’ve perfect and suitable solutions for all kinds of infertility issues.

    PGD which is a preimplantation genetic diagnosis, is a fertility procedure step used during the In vitro fertilization procedure. This fertility treatment is used by couples who have genetic diseases and they don’t want to transmit them to their child. This test involves the removal of a few cells from the embryo which is tested to find the genetic tissue. 

    So, PGD is the assisted reproductive technique that helps to identify the genetic disorder in the embryo. Generally, couples with genetic diseases use the PGD to prevent the transfer of genetic diseases to their child. With the help of PGD, embryos are tested and healthy-looking embryos are transferred into the uterus of the woman to ensure a healthy normal pregnancy.

    At our fertility centre, the PGD treatment is available for individuals with genetic issues. We use the latest equipment and technologies to provide comfy and successful treatment to  struggling couples so that they can prevent their offspring from the transmission of genetic disorders. Our highly skilled medical team ensures top-notch quality work while maintaining the success rate.  

    Why Does One Need PGD?

    • The PGD treatment would be heplful for the couples with genetic disorders. It identifies the genetic problem and reduces the risk of transmission of genetic diseases to their offspring. 
    • When families have a history of hereditary issues and they want to protect their future newborns from the effects of hereditary diseases then in that situation, the PGD treatment is utilised by the doctors
    • The couples with recurrent miscarriages can have benefit of PGD treatment. The treatment helps to identify and select the healthy embryo which is free of genetic problems. 

    What Is The Procedure Of PGD?

    1. Ovarian Stimulation: The woman undergoes hormonal treatment to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

    2. Egg Retrieval: Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved from the ovaries using a needle guided by ultrasound.

    3. Fertilization: The retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory to create embryos.

    4. Embryo Culture: The embryos are cultured in a laboratory for 3-5 days until they reach a suitable stage for testing.

    5. Biopsy: A few cells are removed from each embryo for genetic testing. This can be done using various techniques, such as removing cells from the trophectoderm (outer layer of cells) in a blastocyst-stage embryo


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    Fertility Centre Siliguri