How much does surrogacy cost in Dehradun?

Surrogacy in Dehradun can be an adventurous journey for intended couples. It’s a place full of hills and the beauty of nature. If the individual seeks surrogacy in Dehradun, the person can experience the beauty of Dehradun while getting the surrogacy. Their surrogacy is available with exceptional care and unshakable support. The person can experience a high success rate along with quality of treatment.  

Moreover, the prices of surrogacy are pocket-friendly and every individual struggling with infertility can get the surrogacy treatment at fair prices. In this article, we will discuss the things related to surrogacy cost in Dehradun. We will discuss the process, success, factors affecting the process and the success. 

Here’s why trust us:

  • Offering free online consultation 
  • Low prices for all fertility treatments 
  • The sky-high success rate of all the treatments 
  • Availability of all fertility treatments (IVF, surrogacy, PGD, IUI, ICSI, etc)
  • Contact us at 8368357006

Why surrogacy is recommended in our centre? 

  • Experience of more than 15 years and made 1500+ patients happy 
  • Use of advanced reproductive technologies 
  • Offering unwavering support and exceptional care 
  • A team of friendly and polite doctors, staff and specialists 
  • Complete guide throughout the journey of surrogacy treatment
  • Availability of surrogates and egg donors 
  • And last but importantly providing 100% legal and safe surrogacy. 

A brief introduction to surrogacy- a method to achieve parenthood

surrogacy in Dehradun cost
surrogacy in Dehradun

“It’s not just about carrying the baby, it’s about carrying dreams for a family”

Surrogacy refers to a third-party reproduction process that helps infertile couples to treat their infertility. The surrogacy process is specially designed for the intended couples or couples facing the issue of male infertility or female infertility. The process involves the surrogate mother, intended couples, doctors, lawyers, and egg donors or the sperm donors in some cases.

In short, surrogacy is a fertility technique to solve the problem of infertility in infertile couples. With the help of surrogate mothers, couples welcome a baby into their lives. 

Surrogacy is classified into various types including the:

Traditional surrogacy is banned in Dehradun and not used by individuals. In this surrogacy, couples get the baby through the use of the surrogate’s egg and the intended father’s sperm which are fertilised to develop into a baby. The traditional process is carried out by using the IUI technique. The technique involves the direct placement of sperm into a woman’s uterus to develop pregnancy. 

Gestational surrogacy involves the process of creating and placing an embryo in the uterus of the woman. The embryo is created through the IVF process that involves the egg from the woman and sperm from the intended father. Mostly, this surrogacy is used by the intended couples as this surrogacy does not involve genetic relations with the surrogate or any other person. 

Altruistic surrogacy is defined as the type of surrogacy that doesn’t involve compensation to the surrogate mother and in this surrogacy, the surrogate must have relations with the intended couples. 

Commercial surrogacy involves the surrogate who receives the compensation with medical expenses and insurance coverage. This type of surrogacy is banned in Dehradun to prohibit the exploitation of surrogate mothers by the big surrogacy centres. 

How surrogacy is performed by surrogacy practitioners?

surrogacy performed in Dehradun
surrogacy performed in Dehradun

Surrogacy- “a way to complete the dream of parenthood”

  • Surrogacy practitioners start the process of surrogacy with a consultation to discuss things clearly and completely. Consultation involves the discussion about the process, cost and eligibility of whether the intended couples are eligible for surrogacy or not. 
  • After that, screening and matching of the surrogate mother is performed to determine the eligibility and fitness of the surrogate and intended couples are also evaluated for the process of surrogacy. 
  • In the next step, the legal process of the surrogacy method begins, some documents are required and the legal official contract is made between the intended couple and the surrogate. The contract shows the responsibility and the duties of the parties involved in the surrogacy. 
  • After completing the legal process, the medical process begins which involves the stimulation of the ovaries so that ovaries can produce multiple eggs. Once the eggs are mature then the process of retrieving the egg from the ovaries using a thing needle is performed. When the eggs are collected, sperm are also taken from the male partner then sperm and eggs are combined in a laboratory dish to form an embryo which is used to placed in the woman’s uterus. 
  • After this, 12 later after implanting the embryo, the blood test is taken of the surrogate mother to confirm pregnancy. Once the pregnancy reports are positive then a healthy diet is given to the surrogate mother so that the baby will born healthy. When the baby is delivered, the surrogate hands the baby to the intended parents who are the legal parents of the child. 

What rules are made for the surrogacy process? 

surrogacy law in Dehradun
surrogacy law in Dehradun

The process of surrogacy is regulated by the Surrogacy Regulation Act 2021 which shows the rules and regulations that an individual needs to follow while performing surrogacy in Dehradun: 

  • Couples who are facing infertility must have a certificate of infertility from the district medical board. 
  • The age of the intended couple must be between 23 to 50 years for the females and 25 to 55 years for the males. In addition, the age of the surrogate mother must be between the 25 to 45 years 
  • The couple should be Indian and married for at least years. The couple should not have any biological child or child from the adoption and previous surrogacy. 
  • Foreign couples are not allowed to get surrogacy in Dehradun but if the couples can prove their nationality then they can get surrogacy in Dehradun. 

Surrogacy cost in Dehradun 

Surrogacy Cost in Dehradun
Surrogacy Cost in Dehradun

Surrogacy cost in Dehradun is budget-friendly. Individuals with low budgets have a great opportunity to get the solution for their infertility. Here, the prices of treatments related to infertility are reasonable and affordable. The surrogacy cost in Dehradun depends on various aspects such as the consultation charges, surrogate’s charges, medical expenses, legal framework expenses, travelling charges, egg donor fees, sperm donor fees, etc. The cost of surrogacy also depends from location to location and the surrogacy centre to centre. On average, the surrogacy cost in Dehradun ranges from 14 to 18 lakh. 

Table of cost of surrogacy in Dehradun 

Surrogacy expenses Surrogacy Cost in Dehradun 
Surrogacy charges 5 to 8 lakh 
Centre charges Up to 1.5 lakh 
Legal charges 50k to 1 lakh 
Legal approval fees Up to 5 lakh 
IVF charges 1 to 2.5 lakh 
Other charges (embryo storage, insurance, screening, etc)Up to 1 lakh
Surrogate compensation 4 to 6 lakh 

Factors affecting the cost of surrogacy in Dehradun 

Cost of surrogacy in Dehradun
Cost of surrogacy in Dehradun
  • The surrogacy cost depends on the place and region where the procedure of surrogacy takes place as the high standard area charges high as compared to local areas. 
  • Mainly, the cost of surrogacy can vary on the medical expenses of the entire process as surrogacy involves the medications, stimulation, retrieval and placement of the embryo. Sometimes, couples are unable to conceive on the first attempt so several attempts are required to conceive a successful pregnancy. 
  • The surrogacy process requires the lawyers to frame and review the contract which can add up to the cost. 
  • Surrogate’s compensation, the surrogate needs compensation for her work, efforts and time. So the medical expenses along with insurance coverage are received by the surrogate.  
  • In some cases, intended couples need additional services such as the IUI, PGD, ICSI, egg donor, sperm donor, embryo freezing, etc which can increase the surrogacy cost in Dehradun
  • If the surrogacy centre is far from the residence of the surrogate and the intended couples then it can increase the cost of travelling expenses. 

What’s the success rate of surrogacy in Dehradun?

success rate of surrogacy in Dehradun
success rate of surrogacy in Dehradun

Many factors are responsible for the sky-high success rate of surrogacy in particular areas likewise in Dehradun, several factors can affect the success rate of surrogacy including the number of surrogacy attempts, the cause of infertility, expertise and skills of the doctors and surrogacy centre, age of the woman who is going to carry the child, quality of eggs and sperm, etc. So in short, the success of surrogacy depends on all these factors and success rates range from 80 to 95%. 

Mentioned below table makes you understand the success rates based on age: 

The success rate of surrogacy based on age The success rate of surrogacy in Dehradun 
women with age between 21 to 35 years  Up to 95%
women with age between 35 to 40 years   Up to 73%
women with age between 40 to 45 years  40 to 70%
women with age between 45 to 50 years  35 to 60%

Why consider Fertility Centre Siliguri (The best surrogacy centre in Dehradun)?

Why consider Fertility Centre Siliguri
Fertility Centre Siliguri

Fertility Centre Siliguri- helps to welcome little wonders into your life 

Our fertility centre is a place, where the dream of having a biological child comes true. With the help of our experienced team of fertility professionals including embryologists, gynaecologists, IVF specialists, surrogacy practitioners, and obstetricians, we assure top-notch quality treatment while maintaining sky-high success rates. We have many years of experience and are well popular as the Best surrogacy centre in Dehradun. We provide treatment to patients with the use of modern reproductive equipment.

We ensure a 100% successful outcome as we deeply feel the decision to choose the Surrogacy treatment. We make sure to provide the emotional and psychological support to the patients. With the help of our unwavering support and care, the individual can experience a joyful journey of surrogacy. Furthermore, the doctors at our fertility centre are friendly and polite and keep the centre’s atmosphere positive. So to get the glorious journey of infertility treatment, today choose us and get your biological child at a low cost. 


To conclude, the article is related to the surrogacy cost in Dehradun. When it comes to getting the treatment of infertility surrogacy is the first solution that comes to our mind. However, the prices of surrogacy vary on different elements but still, the cost is affordable and within the range of every infertile couple. So it’s the best decision if you choose Dehradun for the surrogacy technique because here, the prices are affordable, the latest technology and reproductive tools are available, and highly skilled doctors are also available. 

FAQs (frequently asked questions)

Is surrogacy legal in Dehradun?

Yes, surrogacy is legal in Dehradun. Couples with infertility can get surrogacy at affordable prices. However, some regulations need to be followed to make the journey of surrogacy smooth and flawless. 

What is the success rate of surrogacy in Dehradun?

The success rate of surrogacy in Dehradun can vary on many factors including the age of the woman, egg quality, sperm quality, number of attempts, cause of infertility, skill and knowledge of the doctor, etc. so the success rate of surrogacy in Dehradun ranges from 80 to 95%. 

Can we choose gender in surrogacy in Dehradun?

No, it’s not allowed to choose the gender in surrogacy in Dehradun. It is because as per the rules and laws of the Indian government, gender selection is banned.  

What is the age limit for intended couples for the surrogacy process?

The age of the intended couples must be between 23 to 50 years for the intended mother and 25 to 55 years for the intended father. In addition, 25 to 45 years for the surrogate mother. 

Which fertility centre is best for surrogacy treatment?

Fertility Centre Siliguri is best for surrogacy treatment, offering affordable prices, a high success rate, and high-quality treatment to individuals struggling with infertility. This fertility centre offers transparent prices and procedures.

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