How much does Surrogacy cost in Kolkata?

“To make something beautiful, unique and precious, it takes extra helping hands and time” and we as your helping hands understand the feeling of not having a child that’s why we have come up with a solution to cure your issues or problems. We are equipped with surrogacy programs that ensure the baby is in your hand. 

Want surrogacy at affordable prices along with the quality of treatment but don’t know where to get it? So you can rest easy as by choosing us you can make the right and informed decision. 

Discovering the cost of any treatment is essential as it helps the individual to estimate their budget.   

Individuals on a large scale choose surrogacy to treat infertility and it is not a secret that surrogacy is expensive. The surrogacy cost varies based on different clinics, cities and states. So if the individual has an infertility issue and wants their infertility to be treated at reasonable prices then kolkata is the best option for them as the surrogacy cost in Kolkata is within budget. The individual can easily avail of the treatment. 

Here’s why trust us:

  • Offering free online consultation 
  • Low prices for all fertility treatments 
  • The sky-high success rate of all the treatments 
  • Availability of all fertility treatments (IVF, surrogacy, PGD, IUI, ICSI, etc)
  • Contact us at 8368357006

Why surrogacy is recommended in our centre? 

surrogacy cost in kolkata
surrogacy in kolkata
  • Experience of more than 15 years and made 1500+ patients happy 
  • Use of advanced reproductive technologies 
  • Offering unwavering support and exceptional care 
  • A team of friendly and polite doctors, staff and specialists 
  • Complete guide throughout the journey of surrogacy treatment
  • Availability of surrogates and egg donors 
  • And last but important providing 100% legal and safe surrogacy. 

What is third-party reproduction treatment? 

surrogacy in Kolkata
surrogacy in Kolkata

Surrogacy- “The only possible journey to experience parenthood”

Third-party reproduction treatment is generally considered surrogacy. It is a helpful fertility treatment for the intended couples, offering biological babies to the couples. This treatment provides peace of mind to the couples. Surrogacy is a golden opportunity for the intended couples in which a woman who is a third party helps the intended couple to carry a baby. 

In short, a woman called a surrogate carries the baby on behalf of the intended mother. The gametes of the intended couples are taken for transfer into the uterus through the vagina’s wall. 

The treatment of surrogacy comes in 4 main types in which 2 types in allowed in kolkata and the other types are not allowed in Kolkata. The types of surrogacy include: 

Traditional surrogacy: The surrogate mother’s egg is retrieved and the intended father’s or donor’s sperm is collected to perform the fertilisation that results in the embryo which is placed into the uterus or woman’s womb to carry to pregnancy. 

The child born through this surrogacy has a genetic relation with the surrogate mother. It means the intended mother has no genetic connection with the child. In addition, this procedure is performed with the help of IUI treatment or natural insemination. IUI is defined as the fertility treatment in which sperm is placed directly into the uterus to facilitate the development of the pregnancy. However, this type of surrogacy is banned in kolkata.  

Gestational surrogacy: In this surrogacy, the egg is taken from the intended mother or donor and the sperm is collected from the intended father or the donor to create the embryo. The fertilisation procedure helps to make the embryo which is further transferred into the uterus using the needle through the vagina wall. 

In gestational surrogacy, the child has no connection with the surrogate mother. The child is biologically connected with the intended mother. Furthermore, the treatment is completed with the help of the IVF procedure. The gestational surrogacy is allowed in Kolkata. 

Altruistic surrogacy: this type of surrogacy brings the surrogate mother and the surrogate doesn’t get the monetary compensation except for the medical expense and the insurance. This type of surrogacy is legal in kolkata. 

Commercial surrogacy: this surrogacy is not allowed in Kolkata due to the exploitation of the surrogate mother. The monetary compensation is allowed to the surrogate mother including the medical expenses and the insurance.  

How surrogacy is performed? 

surrogacy process - Fertility Centre Siliguri
surrogacy process

The surrogacy treatment involves several steps that are mentioned below: 

The treatment begins with a consultation. The intended couple booked an appointment with the fertility doctor to plan their treatment. Several things and factors are figured out during the consultation. 

After the consultation, the ovaries are stimulated with the help of the hormonal medications which are prescribed to the woman. Once the ovaries are stimulated it can produce multiple eggs to continue the procedure further. 

Once the stage of stimulation is finished then the eggs are retrieved from the uterus of the woman using the fine needle. On the day of egg retrieval, the sperm is also collected from the intended father or the donor to continue the procedure of fertilisation. The eggs and sperm are combined in the laboratory dish, forming an embryo. 

The embryologist examines the resulting embryos and a healthy-looking embryo is selected to transfer through the vagina wall into the uterus. 

After the 12 days of transfer, using the blood test, the pregnancy of the woman is confirmed. 

Who needs surrogacy treatment? 

Surrogacy may be a good option for individuals struggling with infertility or who have failed a conceive a biological baby after 1 year of trying. The following are the reasons for choosing surrogacy:

  • The woman with health condition that makes the surrogacy dangerous. 
  • Couples with genetic issues and don’t want to pass it on to their child
  • Women with multiple pregnancies
  • Women with damaged or blocked reproductive organs. 

What is the surrogacy law in Kolkata?

Surrogacy Law in Kolkata
Surrogacy Law in Kolkata

In Kolkata, the Surrogacy Regulation Act 2021 governs the surrogacy. This act presents the rules and regulations of surrogacy. As per this act, foreign couples are not allowed to get the treatment in Kolkata. If the foreign couples can prove their nationality as Indian citizens then they can avail the treatment of surrogacy. It is also stated in this act that traditional and commercial surrogacy is illegal in Kolkata due to the exploitation of surrogate mothers and the genetic issue of the child with the surrogate mother. 

The following rules are included in the Surrogacy Regulation Act 2021: 

  • The age of the couple should be between 25 to 50 for the females and 26 to 55 for the males. 
  • The couples should be Indian and should be married for at least 5 years. 
  • The couple should not have a biological and adopted child and the baby from surrogacy. 
  • Widow or divorcee women are allowed to get surrogacy in Kolkata. The age of them should be between 35 to 45 years. 

However, apart from all this, the new and latest surrogacy law is the new Surrogacy Law 2022 allows only altruistic surrogacy.  

Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata

surrogacy costs in Kolkata
surrogacy costs in Kolkata

Our fertility centre provides surrogacy packages that range from 14 to 18 lakh. This range of Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata includes all the expenses such as medication and drugs, legal charges, surrogate charges, care and nutrition charges, and other miscellaneous expenses. 

if the intended couple uses other extra-assisted reproductive techniques such as the IUI, PGD, ICSI, etc, this cost can increase. In addition, if the patient uses an egg donor or sperm donor then the increment is shown in cost. To make your surrogacy journey easier, our fertility centre offers financial assistance such as payments in instalments. 

Table of surrogacy cost in Kolkata:

Surrogacy expenses Surrogacy Cost in kolkata 
Surrogacy charges 5 to 8 lakh 
Centre charges Up to 1.5 lakh 
Legal charges 50k to 1 lakh 
Legal approval fees Up to 5 lakh 
IVF charges 1 to 2.5 lakh 
Other charges (embryo storage, insurance, screening, etc)Up to 1 lakh
Surrogate compensation 4 to 6 lakh 

Table of cost and success rate of surrogacy in different areas of kolkata, West Bengal:

Areas name Surrogacy Cost in Kolkata The success rate of surrogacy in kolkata  
Surrogacy Cost in kolkata 14 to 18 lakh 90 to 95%
Surrogacy Cost in Hooghly 14 to 17 lakh 87% 
Surrogacy Cost in Howrah 15 to 18 lakh 70 to 88% 
Surrogacy Cost in Darjeeling 14 to 18 lakh 80 to 85% 
Surrogacy Cost in Jalpaiguri 16 to 19 lakh 79 to 90% 
Surrogacy Cost in Kalimpong  13 to 16.92 lakh 87 to 89%
Surrogacy Cost in Malda 14 to 18.08 lakh 80 to 85%
Surrogacy Cost in Nadia  13 to 17.22 lakh 85 to 90%
Surrogacy Cost in Jhargram 14 to 18 lakh 79 to 88%
Surrogacy Cost in  Bankura 14 to 18 lakh 90 to 96%

Guaranteed surrogacy cost in Kolkata 

The Surrogacy Cost in kolkata increasing day by day, it’s because of the new surrogacy law 2022. The intended couples have to pay more than 14 lakh based on their medical report. Our fertility centre charges 14 to 16 lakh for guaranteed surrogacy in Kolkata. Understand this surrogacy program with its salient features that are mentioned below: 

  • Offers for couples who want to opt for surrogacy with an Indian egg donor. 
  • Guaranteed surrogacy has a period of 18 months
  • Provides you with 100% success 

Surrogate mother cost in Kolkata 

Surrogate mother cost in Kolkata
Surrogate mother cost in Kolkata

Surrogate mother-” the woman with the ability and spirit to bring the beautiful life into the life of intended couples” 

We analysed that selecting a surrogate mother is a crucial part of any type of surrogacy or program. You want to make the right decision that stands out as the best choice for your family. It is because we ensure great care of our surrogate mothers so that they can stand out as per your requirements and meet all certain criteria. Our all surrogate mothers are healthy, fit, young and meet all medical requirements. Moreover, our surrogate mothers are willing to help the intended couples with all their hearts. So you can relax as you have made the right decision by choosing our centre. By the end of the treatment, the individual can have a healthy child. 

At our fertility centre, we offer treatment at a fair and reasonable price. The cost of a surrogate mother is also affordable. With the help of a table, understand the prices of surrogate mothers at our centre. 

Surrogate mother expensesCost of surrogate mother 
Surrogate mother with self egg More than 15 lakhs 
Surrogate careMore than 4 to 6 lakh 
Medications and drugs and embryo transfer More than 4 lakh 
Delivery, housekeeping charges and psychological support More than 4 lakh 

The success rate of surrogacy in Kolkata

success rate of surrogacy in Kolkata
success rate of surrogacy in Kolkata

As per the recent report, the success rate of surrogacy may depend on various factors including the skills, knowledge and expertise of the fertility doctors and the centre, the cause of infertility, the age of the woman, etc. In kolkata, the success rate of surrogacy is up to 90% 

Mentioned below table makes you understand the success rates based on age: 

The success rate of surrogacy based on age The success rate of surrogacy in kolkata 
women with age between 21 to 35 years  Up to 95%
women with age between 35 to 40 years   Up to 73%
women with age between 40 to 45 years  40 to 70%
women with age between 45 to 50 years  35 to 60%

Why consider Fertility Centre Siliguri (The best surrogacy centre in Kolkata)?

Why consider Fertility Centre Siliguri
Fertility Centre Siliguri

Fertility Centre Siliguri- helps to welcome little wonders into your life 

Our fertility centre is a place, where the dream of having a biological child comes true. With the help of our experienced team of fertility professionals including embryologists, gynaecologists, IVF specialists, surrogacy practitioners, and obstetricians, we assure top-notch quality treatment while maintaining sky-high success rates. We have many years of experience and are well popular as the Best Surrogacy Centre in Kolkata. We provide treatment to patients with the use of modern reproductive equipment.

We ensure a 100% successful outcome as we deeply feel the decision to choose the Surrogacy treatment. We make sure to provide the emotional and psychological support to the patients. With the help of our unwavering support and care, the individual can experience a joyful journey of surrogacy. Furthermore, the doctors at our fertility centre are friendly and polite and keep the centre’s atmosphere positive. So to get the glorious journey of infertility treatment, today choose us and get your biological child at a low cost. 


To conclude, if you want to know more about surrogacy or Surrogacy Cost in kolkata or any other state of India then check out our website. We provide safe and budget-friendly surrogacy programs to the intended couple. Our highly experienced and educated medical team will analyse if you are meeting the eligibility criteria or not. If you do not meet the eligibility criteria for surrogacy in kolkata or any part of India then we will provide you with surrogacy programs in other countries as we have dedicated to fulfilling your dream of parenthood at affordable prices. So feel free to contact us and make your dream a reality. 

FAQs (frequently asked questions)
Why should I choose surrogacy? 

Whether it is female or male infertility, the individual should choose surrogacy to treat their infertility. Surrogacy treatment is helpful for individuals who are not able to carry the pregnancy due to reproductive medical reasons.

What are the requirements to become a surrogate? 

Health, fitness, age between 21 to 45 years, the surrogate should be married, having one biological child, being free from genetic diseases, etc are some important criteria to become a surrogate mother. 

Is surrogacy 100% successful in Kolkata? 

Yes, it is 100% successful in Kolkata, if the individual chooses the guaranteed surrogacy program. This surrogacy program provides a 100% guarantee of providing a healthy newborn. 

What is the average success rate of surrogacy in Kolkata? 

The age of the women, cause of infertility, skills and knowledge of doctors and fertility centre, are some factors that are responsible for the success rate of surrogacy in Kolkata. So the average success rate of surrogacy in Kolkata is up to 90%. 

What is the minimum cost of surrogacy in kolkata? 

The centre’s location, surrogate charges, legal fees, medications, travelling expenses, accommodation charges, and other miscellaneous expenses contribute to the surrogacy cost in Kolkata. So the minimum cost of surrogacy in Kolkata is up to 14 lakh.  

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