Surrogacy law in Kazakhstan

In recent years, Surrogacy’s popularity has increased due to reproductive technologies and science advancements. Reproductive science created methods including surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, etc. to assist couples during the phase of infertility. These methods of treating infertility provide hope to the intended couples and fulfil their life with happiness. With the help of infertility treatments, the individual can welcome the baby and can experience life as a parent. 

Couples around the world choose kazakhstan as their fertility treatment destination as the place offers affordable costs without compromising the standards and quality of the treatment. This place has relaxed laws related to surrogacy and other infertility treatments. Its relaxed laws attracted infertile patients from in and outside of Kazakhstan. The surrogacy law in kazakhstan is flexible but still, there are some aspects that an individual needs to follow. So, In this article, we will cover the surrogacy law in kazakhstan

Hence, offering an opportunity for individuals to explore the aspects related to surrogacy before seeking surrogacy in kazakhstan

Here’s why trust us:

“When the world says, ‘Give Up’, we whisper, ‘Try one more time’.” – it’s because we believe in hope and patience that helps in achieving the dream of parenting. 

  • Offering free online consultation 
  • Low prices for all fertility treatments 
  • The sky-high success rate of all the treatments 
  • Availability of all fertility treatments (IVF, surrogacy, PGD, IUI, ICSI, etc)
  • Contact us at +91 8368357006

Why is surrogacy recommended in our centre? 

  • Experience of more than 15 years and made 1500+ patients happy 
  • Use of advanced reproductive technologies 
  • Offering unwavering support and exceptional care 
  • A team of friendly and polite doctors, staff and specialists 
  • Complete guide throughout the journey of surrogacy treatment
  • Availability of surrogates and egg donors 
  • And last but importantly providing 100% legal and safe surrogacy. 

Surrogacy in kazakhstan 

surrogacy in Kazakhstan
surrogacy in Kazakhstan

Surrogacy is considered one of the best infertility treatments for the intended couples. When the couples are not able to conceive the child through natural insemination then the surrogacy will be used by the couples. It’s a fertility treatment that involves the surrogate mother and the intended couples. The surrogate mother helps the intended couple by carrying the baby in her womb and when the child is delivered, she gives the baby to the intended couple and they will be called the legal parents of the child. 

Surrogacy in kazakhstan has several types and only one type is allowed in Kazakhstan. The following are the types of surrogacy in Kazakhstan: 

Traditional surrogacy is a type of infertility treatment in kazakhstan in which a surrogate mother uses her eggs and the intended father uses his sperm to fertilize the eggs. In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate mother carries the baby and the fertilization takes place through the IUI process. Moreover, the surrogate has a genetic relation with the child. 

Gestational surrogacy involves the surrogate mother and intended couples. This type of surrogacy involves the IVF process in which the surrogate mother carries the baby for the intended couple. The intended couples’ gametes are used to develop the baby. This type of surrogacy is allowed in Kazakhstan. 

Commercial surrogacy is another type of surrogacy in Kazakhstan that allows compensation including medical expenses and insurance to the surrogate mother. 

Altruistic surrogacy is the last type of surrogacy in Kazakhstan that involves the surrogate mother who is closely related to the intended couple. In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate is not allowed to receive compensation for her work.  

Surrogacy process in Kazakhstan

surrogacy Process in Kazakhstan
surrogacy Process in Kazakhstan

The surrogacy process in Kazakhstan includes several steps that are essential to make the process successful: 

Consultation: it’s the first step of the surrogacy process in which intended couples get the consultation from the fertility professionals. The doctor discusses surrogacy-related things with the intended couples.

Screening and matching: in which screening and evaluation of surrogate and intended couple is performed to determine the eligibility and matching of surrogate mother and intended couples. Based on the results of tests and screenings, the surrogate mother is selected for the surrogacy process. 

Legal contract: after the screenings and tests, a legal contract is drafted between the surrogate mother and the intended couple. A legal contract carries the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved in the surrogacy process.

Medical process: it includes the stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm collection, fertilization, embryo transfer and the pregnancy test of the individuals.   

Delivery: when the medical process is completed, after 9 months, the surrogate delivers the baby then the baby is given to the intended couple as they are the legal parents of the child. 

Surrogacy law in Kazakhstan 

surrogacy law in Kazakhstan
surrogacy law in Kazakhstan

Surrogacy in Kazakhstan is defined as per the code of the Republic of kazakhstan that involves the “on marriage and family” which was applied in 2012 in kazakhstan. Chapter 9 of  “Surrogate Motherhood and the Use of Techniques and Technologies of Assisted Reproduction” states that the country has relaxed laws and provisions that allow the intended couples from other countries like Europe and Asia to come to kazakhstan to get the surrogate and the surrogacy.  

Surrogacy law in kazakhstan states that surrogacy in kazakhstan requires a legal contract between the surrogate mother and the intended couple. The contract carries the rights and responsibilities of the parties involved (surrogate, intended couples and the child). In kazakhstan, a surrogate gets compensation for providing the surrogacy services. The intended couples in kazakhstan are responsible for all the medical expenses that are required throughout the process of surrogacy in kazakhstan. 

In kazakhstan, the surrogate has no parental rights, the intended couples are the legal parents of the child. So after the delivery of the surrogate mother, she provides the baby to the intended couple. 

Why consider Fertility Centre Siliguri (The best surrogacy centre in Kazakhstan)?

Why consider Fertility Centre Siliguri For Surrogacy in Kazakhstan
Why consider Fertility Centre Siliguri For Surrogacy in Kazakhstan

Fertility Centre Siliguri- helps to welcome little wonders into your life 

Our fertility centre is a place, where the dream of having a biological child comes true. With the help of our experienced team of fertility professionals including embryologists, gynaecologists, IVF specialists, surrogacy practitioners, and obstetricians, we assure top-notch quality treatment while maintaining sky-high success rates. We have many years of experience and are well popular as the Best surrogacy centre in Kazakhstan. We provide treatment to patients with the use of modern reproductive equipment.

We ensure a 100% successful outcome as we deeply feel the decision to choose the Surrogacy treatment. We make sure to provide the emotional and psychological support to the patients. With the help of our unwavering support and care, the individual can experience a joyful journey of surrogacy. Furthermore, the doctors at our fertility centre are friendly and polite and keep the centre’s atmosphere positive. So to get the glorious journey of infertility treatment, today choose us and get your biological child at a low cost. 


To conclude, the provisions and laws related to surrogacy in kazakhstan are not strict. In kazakhstan, only heterosexual couples are allowed to get surrogacy treatment. The surrogacy law in kazakhstan allows the parental rights to intended couples from the time of conception. It means the surrogate mother has no right to the child. In short, kazakhstan has relaxed rules and regulations related to surrogacy along with affordable and reasonable prices. So individuals struggling with infertility in kazakhstan can easily get the solution of infertility. 

FAQs (frequently asked questions) 

Is surrogacy allowed in Kazakhstan?

Yes, surrogacy is allowed in Kazakhstan and there are no specific and strict rules related to surrogacy in kazakhstan. The rules and regulations are relaxed there. 

How much does surrogacy cost in kazakhstan?

In kazakhstan, the surrogacy cost may vary on several factors including the location, success rates, experience, doctors, consultation, surrogate compensation, additional charges, etc so the cost of surrogacy in kazakhstan is up to $45000. 

What type of surrogacy is permitted in kazakhstan?

In Kazakhstan, gestational surrogacy is permitted. It’s a type of surrogacy in which the female’s egg and the male’s sperm are used to create the embryo. 

What is the success rate of surrogacy in kazakhstan? 

In kazakhstan, the success rate of surrogacy may vary on various factors such as the age of the woman, the cause of infertility, modern equipment, and techniques. On average, the success rate of surrogacy is up to 70%. 

Is commercial and traditional surrogacy allowed in kazakhstan?

No, commercial surrogacy and traditional surrogacy are not allowed in kazakhstan to prevent the exploitation of surrogate mothers and the genetic relation of surrogates with the child. 

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